In 2018, I'm determined to be a better wife, .
a better mother, a better friend, a better housekeeper, a better steward of our money, and a better Christian. I've started making my list of things I'm determined to do or be in 2018, and while, I'm not going to share every single on of them, I will share a few.
I'm determined to...
- get a better handle on our finances.
- be more present, and not so into my phone.
- put down my phone when with my boys and only use it for photos when with them.
- be better at housekeeping. Use a cleaning schedule and stick to it.
- cook more at home. Utilize a meal plan and eat out less.
- begin the home buying process.
- begin doing a daily devotion, even if it's only 5 or 10 minutes a day.
- be more organized. Declutter!
- use a planner to be more organized.
- go on a monthly date with my husband.
I'm so excited for 2018 and what it's going to bring for our family. My husband and I have big plans and goals. I can't wait to achieve them and then some! I'll be sure to keep you up-to-date on our progress of our family goals, but also on my one little word goals.
Happy New Year to you and your family from me and my family!